Monday, May 19, 2008

Newcastle and the Young Ambassadors

We drove on Friday night to Graham Clark's house outside of Newcastle, about 2 hours from Sydney. We made various stops along the way and finally arrived around 8 pm. The are very nice. He is a member of the church and is the Public Affairs representative for his stake. She is not a member. We spent the night at their lovely house in the bush. They seem to be miles from anywhere. They own a lot of the property around their house.
On Saturday morning we drove into Newcastle and then to Nelson Bay where we met the Young Ambassadors and boarded the boat for the dolphin watch. We were on the water about 2 hours and towards the end of the trip we did see a few dolpins as they swam around the boat. I was never quick enough with the camera or close enough for pictures.
The afternoon was spent visiting places where Clint Warby's family came from in that area and walking on the pier in Newcastle.
Graham Clark's House in the Bush.

View from second floor.
Graham's wife at entry way into house.
Light House in Newcastle
Elizabeth & Jay on the pier in Newcastle.
Nelson Bay
On Nelson BaySun reflection on Nelson Bay.
Australian flag flies over the boat.
On the boat. The man with the hat and the woman in the foreground are Randy Booth and his wife. Her back is to the camera.
Harbor at Nelson Bay.
The Oldroyds, Paul Bartholomew, the Warbys.
This sign was humorous. Note it says the Noodle Bar is open upstairs. There are no stairs! Or second floor!

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