Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Featherdale Wildlife Park, Sydney, Australia

On Saturday July 5th, after spending two hours on the video phone with 3 of our 4 children who were gathered at Michelle and Corey's home in Eagle Idaho for the 4th of July, we visited the Featherdale Wildlife Park in western Sydney. This park has all Australian animals and birds. It was very interesting. As we entered the park we were greeted by a number of small wallabys who were very tame and would let you pet them and take pictures. There were also two kookaburra birds that were very tame and just sat on the low fences. We could walk right up to them, stroke them and take their pictures. We walked a little further and came upon 7 or 8 larger wallabys or may have been small kangaroos, just lying in the path. Again we were able to get close and pet them and take pictures. We enjoyed the animals and hope you do too.
Large black kangaroo.
Black and gray kangaroo eating.
Albino kangaroo
Albino kangaroos.
Albino kangaroo.
Frilly lizard.
Frilly lizard.
Frilly lizard.
Reptiles. Just before this picture was taken, the one on top crawled up from the far left and laid on top of the other one and stayed there as if he was posing for pictures.
Another reptile of sorts.
Tasmanian Devil. They are mean looking things.
A chicken, believe it or not.
White peacock.
Python snake.
Kookaburra. He was just sitting on a fence and did not move when people took his picture.
Black Swans.
Petting a koala. Yes, he is real, not fake. We had the park attendant prove it by waking him up.
Elizabeth and the wallabys. They are miniature kangaroos.
A wallaby with a joey in her pouch. You can see the legs hanging out.
Bat asleep with its wings wrapped around it.
Wallaby that was walking around wild as we entered the park.
Petting a wallaby.
Chinese cockatoo
Koala bear.
Koala bear in his natural pose, sleeping.

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