Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Tuesday dawned rainy and overcast. We talked to the man at the reception desk and he said that we could try to go to Wallaman Falls as it might be clear above the clouds. We had nothing else to do so we decided to go for it.
The drive was long, 18 km and muddy and slippery. Parts of the road after we got into the mountains was dirt which was muddy because of the rain. We saw wild turkeys with red heads and a large Cassawary on the road up to the falls. A Cassawary is a very large quite ugly bird that is very dangerous and mean. It crossed the road ahead of us and was gone before I could take a picture.
The falls were a disappointment as we could hear them but could see nothing but fog and clouds. We waited in the rain for awhile in hopes that the storm would move out but it did not so we returned to Ingham and settled for the Information Center.
We also found out that Lucinda had no Internet or cell phone coverage. Nice! So we spent as much time as we could in Ingham.
The main industry in this area is sugar cane and Ingham has one of the largest processing factories in the area.
Jay at Wallaman Falls
Jay and Elizabeth with the falls in the background. We know that because we could hear them; we could not see them.
Wallaman gorge.
The drive from Ingham to the falls.
Getting closer to the falls.

Sugar cane factory in Ingham
Sugar cane trains.
Train signs.
Sugar cane fields
Sugar cane just outside of Cairns.

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